Cocaine Anonymous is a Fellowship of, by, and for addicts seeking recovery. Friends and Family of addicts should contact Co-Anon Family Groups, a Fellowship dedicated to their much different needs.
Some of the items contained in these pages are published with permission of C.A. World Services, Inc., but this does not imply endorsement of this website by the C.A. World Service Conference or the C.A. World Service Office. The information provided within this website is intended to be a convenience for those who visit our website. Such inclusion does not constitute or imply endorsement by, or affiliation with, the Area or the Districts within.
We regret being unable to offer links to non-C.A. sites, due to our longstanding tradition of non-endorsement of outside enterprises, whether related to our goals or not. While we are grateful for all links from other Web sites, we do not endorse any product, service or opinion offered by any outside organization
In the spirit of Tradition Six, C.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution. As such, Washington State Cocaine Anonymous and Cocaine Anonymous as a whole does not endorse and is not affiliated with or any of the companies and/or services offered on this site. Any links to external websites or services are only provided as a convenience to our members.